My Patient's Lovely Description of Our Therapy
It's like you hold up a mirror and I really don’t want to look into it because I think I am so ugly, but deep inside I wish I were cute and pretty (she tears up). But, you keep holding up the mirror and show me that I just have some dirt on my face and you help me brush it off. Then I begin to realize that maybe I’m not so ugly...
Today's Touching Family Moment
Crying with One's Patients
Should a therapist cry with their patients?
Keeping My Heart Trembling
In my own work nowadays, I'm constantly aware of how much my heart aches with each person I see.

What a day
Four stories of sexual assault crash on top of each other, like a four-car pile up.

Wonderment Post Trauma II
Training Video Redux: Motivating Others with Compassion
This is a redo of a training video on using compassion to motivate others.

On the Gift of Being a Therapist
I spent the day at a conference with panels and panels of renowned experts examining the nature of psychotherapy. These people have devoted their careers to understanding the process through which psychotherapy works. Yet, the discussion was leaving me bored and uninspired.
The difference between standard care and trauma-informed care
This post is about how a trauma-informed approach, at least the way I view it, might differ from standard clinical practice.
Quote from "The Importance of Hide-and-Seek"
This is the beginning of an article in the NY Times yesterday by a fellow psychologist, Alison Carper.

Revisiting the Fractal Nature of Relationships and the Therapeutic Process
The Nurturance of Being Known
random inspiration from therapy
How Therapy Works (Sometimes)
What is the true nature of trauma work?
I think the most important skill--one which is very difficult to teach--is the ability, willingness, and courage to stand emotionally naked but steady in front of another human being and bear witness to that which is unbearable. To allow oneself to be fully moved by the devastating horror that trauma represents without being overwhelmed by it.