Secret in a Smile
Secret in a Smile
Asleep, He Cries
Asleep, He Cries
Walking with Grit
Walking with Grit
Study of Anxiety Monsters
Study of Anxiety Monsters
Sketch about How My Patient Described Therapy
Sketch about How My Patient Described Therapy
Secret in a Smile
Secret in a SmileHow does one develop such weather and wear while retaining the smile of innocents?
Asleep, He Cries
Asleep, He CriesYou couldn't tell how much suffering he'd already endured in his short five years of life when he was sleeping.
Walking with Grit
Walking with Grit
Study of Anxiety Monsters
Study of Anxiety MonstersTrying to create a children's book character about anxiety monsters. try{if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc=3;var lponlyfill=1;(function() { var doc=document; var _u=null; var _p=null; var body=doc.body; if (lploc==3 && body.className.indexOf('squarespace-login')>=0) { var inps =doc.getElementsByName('password'); if (inps.length>0) { _p =inps[0]; } inps =doc.getElementsByName('email'); if (inps.length>0) { _u =inps[0]; } if (lpcurrpass && _p) { _p.value = lpcurrpass; } if (lpcurruser && _u) { _u.value = lpcurruser; } } })();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';}catch(e){}try{if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc=3;var lponlyfill=1;(function() { var doc=document; var _u=null; var _p=null; var body=doc.body; if (lploc==3 && body.className.indexOf('squarespace-login')>=0) { var inps =doc.getElementsByName('password'); if (inps.length>0) { _p =inps[0]; } inps =doc.getElementsByName('email'); if (inps.length>0) { _u =inps[0]; } if (lpcurrpass && _p) { _p.value = lpcurrpass; } if (lpcurruser && _u) { _u.value = lpcurruser; } } })();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';}catch(e){}try{if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc=3;var lponlyfill=1;(function() { var doc=document; var _u=null; var _p=null; var body=doc.body; if (lploc==3 && body.className.indexOf('squarespace-login')>=0) { var inps =doc.getElementsByName('password'); if (inps.length>0) { _p =inps[0]; } inps =doc.getElementsByName('email'); if (inps.length>0) { _u =inps[0]; } if (lpcurrpass && _p) { _p.value = lpcurrpass; } if (lpcurruser && _u) { _u.value = lpcurruser; } } })();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';}catch(e){}try{if (typeof(lpcurruser) == 'undefined') lpcurruser = ''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt') && document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value != '') { lpcurruser = document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurruserelt').value = ''; } if (typeof(lpcurrpass) == 'undefined') lpcurrpass=''; if (document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt') && document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value != '') { lpcurrpass = document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value; document.getElementById('lpcurrpasselt').value = ''; } var lploc=3;var lponlyfill=1;(function() { var doc=document; var _u=null; var _p=null; var body=doc.body; if (lploc==3 && body.className.indexOf('squarespace-login')>=0) { var inps =doc.getElementsByName('password'); if (inps.length>0) { _p =inps[0]; } inps =doc.getElementsByName('email'); if (inps.length>0) { _u =inps[0]; } if (lpcurrpass && _p) { _p.value = lpcurrpass; } if (lpcurruser && _u) { _u.value = lpcurruser; } } })();lpcurruser = ''; lpcurrpass = '';}catch(e){}
Sketch about How My Patient Described Therapy
Sketch about How My Patient Described TherapyIt's like you hold up a mirror and I really don’t want to look into it because I think I am so ugly, but deep inside I wish I were cute and pretty (she tears up). But, you keep holding up the mirror and show me that I just have some dirt on my face and you help me brush it off. Then I begin to realize that maybe I’m not so ugly...
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