The Center of the World
Transforming the Ember of Rage
Fighting for Love
The Wisdom of Negative Emotions
My Therapist's Journey: Play Therapy
Feature in Metro NY
I answered some questions about raising resilient kids in Metro NY. Click on title to see original article.

LoveLink Podcast
The Truth about Trauma Work

two brothers learn to feel and heal
My Therapist's Journey Part 1: Insight.
I've learned so many different types of therapies over the past 20 years and continue to take from everything I’ve ever learned. In a series of posts, I'm going to share what I've personally learned about therapy and becoming a therapist. I hope these posts help future therapists embrace their own journeys and help patients feel more informed and empowered to seek good and smart therapists rather than good and smart therapies that fit their needs in their current moment.
More on Clinical Strategies for Nurturing Knownness
More and more, I’m realizing that the essence of the work I do is creating an inviting space between people to be vulnerable and explore their inner worlds and those of other people with compassionate curiosity. I do this in my individual work and in my family work. I think this co-created space is the fertile ground in which psychological growth occurs. Here’s an example of how a young boy, his mother, and I created this space together. When done well, this strategy invites amazing insights from children that you would never see coming otherwise.
Long Post Describing How to Manage Children's Behavior with Nurturance
This long vignette is meant to try to articulate what I do as a therapist that I really value but that is often lost in our current world of parent management training, behavioral therapy, and evidence-based treatments. I'm happy to respond to comments or questions.
How to Perceive Others
Video Art about Childhood Trauma
See my patient's amazing video about childhood trauma.
Transforming Hurt to Healing
It's so hard to deal with anger (speaking personally for myself). Here's how I try to work with it in therapy.
Ode to A Depressed Person
Today's Touching Training
I led a training for a group of dedicated people who work with the most difficult adolescents in the city--the teens who run, cut, spit, and fight.
Today's Touching Moment
Snippet of a therapy session with an awesome mom rooting for her child overwhelmed by anxiety.

My Patient's Lovely Description of Our Therapy
It's like you hold up a mirror and I really don’t want to look into it because I think I am so ugly, but deep inside I wish I were cute and pretty (she tears up). But, you keep holding up the mirror and show me that I just have some dirt on my face and you help me brush it off. Then I begin to realize that maybe I’m not so ugly...